Thorn GoblinGlitter Blog o' My life

She is a bringer of riches and wealth. She lives in brambles and blackberry bushes. She is only seen in the light of a shooting star. She wears purple and green like berries and leaves. She has gentle green wings like a butterfly.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Getting Worse

I thought the arguments were over for the night, until the internet got shut off and he couldn't make his money! So he started on me about that, and of course he had to go running to find some other means of access. (to me, that's just his excuse to leave the house). I was giving Kayley a bath and I figured "maybe he'll stay in tonite" such luck...he ran! Then comes back, but by that time I was so frustrated and upset, I made plans to leave. And I left as soon as I could. When I came back at 1:30am he was gone, when I woke up at 2:30 he was still gone, same at 4:30AM. I called all the numbers on the phone redial asking if he was with anyone. I spoke to the friend that he had claimed to be out with two weeks ago, and who he was suppose to go out with last week. This guy is such a liar, obviously my hubby spoke to him since and asked him to cover for him and then never told him that he admitted to not being with him, because the guy sat there and said, "yeah, I've been out with him", So I asked him again, "so you say you were out with him this past friday? That's funny, he said he was gonna go out with you and you all didn't hook up?" He blew me off and said he could talk to me tomorrow! (Yeah, right, after the two of you get your stories straight) Anyhow, he never walked in the house until 9am Saturday morning, and he has had the audacity to say anything about me staying at my friends house one night when I left him? Just in this past month he has sat there and said "I don't care what you do, as long as you bring your ass home at night", so then he turns and does this??!! He claims he slept in his van outside his friends house; yet when he finally came home at 9am he slept until 430 pm, so if he slept in his van, why on earth would he need to sleep all day! He started his running again as soon as he got up at 430, continued on until 1030pm, when he jumped in the shower, put on clean, clothes, deoderant, and cologne and out the door he went! Of course, his late nite departure was "business", so he claims! So fine,I left, and I won't go home until sometime Sunday, and he won't know where I've been either. No more of this passing up opportunities to do things because I'm in a relationship, no more sitting at home by myself wondering where he is and what he is doing, going to bed alone, waking up alone, spending the day alone...Screw that, I'm retaking my own life which will have absolutely nothing to do with him!

Friday, July 29, 2005

Found the Drill bit

I've really been trying to be a trooper. I calmed down lastnight and told him how it had hurt my feelings very bad. He still wouldn't own up to it just being misplaced, but he did admit that he said some things out of anger. We sat around together on the comps and watching TV, I thought he was going to stay in for the night, but by 10:30 I was ready for bed, and he went out anyhow, on a Thursday night at that! He came walking in at 2:15 in the morning, drunk as hell, then left again to get cigs! And then today, don't you know he found the piece in another drawer of his drill bit case, but of course he would not admit that he put it there. He insisted that one of us snuck it in there while he was gone. He began getting agitated saying that I'm trying to make him out to be nuts, so I just jumped up, took a shower and left the house with Kayley. We went to the park, and then shopping for some totem and fairy door supplies. I feel better anyhow!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Missing Drill Piece

Okay, I have to vent. All was going well, or so I thought, until hubby wakes up and goes to use his drill and can't find some "quick release" part to it! He begins cursing, threatening to "start hitting someboday" and saying that one of us (me or my son) had to have used it! Give me a break, I've never even ATTEMPTED to use that power tool, never took anything out of his drill bit drawers...and my son barely leaves his bedroom (always reading or watching tv) so he sure as heck isn't gonna be up there needing a drill for anything...God I can't even get him to muster the energy to take out the trash or go to the store, let alone do anything requiring a power tool!
Now, this has not been the first time that he has not been able to find something, accuses one of us, only to find it later and then won't admit to where he found it or come out with a straight up apology! But this time he swears he's not going to find it, and IF by chance he does, it will only be because one of us has snuck down to the basement and put it back!! So when and if he ever does find it, he's not going to admit that he was wrong, not one little bit!
He SWEARS he put the piece "right in the case where it belongs" however when I mentioned that he possibly could have left it at the neighbors when using it last, he went over there to ask (don't know if he found it there and is not admitting it or if the guy wasn't home). But why go over there to bother asking if you are SO DAMN SURE that you put it back where it belongs?? HHMMM? Then when coming back in the house, he returned thru the back door and accused me of locking the door since he had left because he "knows it was wide open when he left"! So not only did one of us take his part, now I had locked him out, and THEN he starts going off about the charge on the drill battery pack only showing 3 bars instead of a full charge, and "it SHOULD have a full charge if no one was messing with it!" So now he "KNOWS one of us had to be messing with his shit". HHHMMMM??? Couldn't have used up that charge when you were fixing dude's car stereo now, could you have?

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Unemployment Hearing

I had my Unemployment Hearing today. This was due to my former employer appealing my right to receive Unemployment Compensation after their dismissing me last month. And they had every right to appeal. However, I have been worrying sick about it ...what do I say? how formal is this hearing going to be? are they going to have legal representation? should I have legal representation? how in-detail must I go with my personal life with this "referee" regarding my reason for requesting time off of work? how is my former employer going to react to me at this hearing? and so many other questions rolling thru my head that kept me awake tossing and turning for countless nights! Well, I think that the hearing went in my ex-emp brought in the Attendance Policy which he was going to use to prove that my termination was due to my "abandoning my position" according to their policy. That backfired, because his "star witness" that he brought in ended up backing up my defense that I did call off in a timely manner (according to POLICY). Also, his "star witness" testified that I did have a phone conversation with my employer regarding what day and time I would return to work however the employer later told her to call me back and change the time, and I stated there was a discrepancy and the employer never called me back personally. My ex-emp's other gripe was that I did not have a doctor's excuse; HOWEVER in their own POLICY it stated that a doc's excuse may only be required AFTER 5 or more consecutive days off, which this was not! Oh and let's not forget the three documents he brought in as evidence that I had been previously warned of my attendance. Okay.. document #1 was from my 45 day eval, doc #2 was from my 90 day eval...these docs did refer to two call offs and some tardiness; however that was in the 1st 90 days, nothing in the one year and three months since! Document #3, obviously he did not examine close enough because it made no mention of my attendance AT ALL. This document even stated certain Policy Section Numbers, and NOT ONE of them had anything to do with ATTENDANCE! So, I'm feeling that they had absolutely no reason to terminate me, that they took other employees personal family emergencies to be more "valid" than mine, and they really treated me like shit! And I believe that they probably went out of that hearing feeling that THEY REALLY had gone too far! Bet they will be re-wording their Attendance Policy after this episode though! What makes me kind of sad is that after letting me go, my spot was left un-filled for quite some time (and even still may be vacant), and this HAD to have put added workload and pressure on my co-workers, and unsatisfactory service to our clients. Unnecessary, as I had only asked to take 3 and a 1/2 days off, yet another co-worker had been on vacation for two weeks, returned for one day and then immediately had to take another full week off to fly back out to her grown daughters side and hold her hand while she was evaluated in the emergency room and diagnosed as having pneumonia and sent home with antibiotics! Guess my family crisis just wasn't acceptable in society's eyes! I could have lied and said one of my bros was in a serious car crash out of town...they would have sent me flowers!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Wild Flower picking on the Highway

Sunday started out as being my niece, Kimmy's, day to go home. I kept her for the weekend while my bro and Rose went to the Nascar Races in the Pocono's on Saturday. Atleast it gave my daughter, Kayley, someone to play with. My bro, Randy, was hosting a "going away party" cookout for Thane (my nephew) , he's going into the Job Corp with his juvenile delinquent self! So Kayley and I went to his house and I sat around drinking some Bud's with Wanda. Thane and his girlfriend, Denise, took off anyhow. He isn't much into that stuff, and it was more of a day for Randy to sit around and watch the races with his friends anyhow. On the way home I went wild flower picking along the highway. Pulled up some lavendar and black eyed susan. So I was transplanting them in my garden in the dark!