Thorn GoblinGlitter Blog o' My life

She is a bringer of riches and wealth. She lives in brambles and blackberry bushes. She is only seen in the light of a shooting star. She wears purple and green like berries and leaves. She has gentle green wings like a butterfly.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Getting Worse

I thought the arguments were over for the night, until the internet got shut off and he couldn't make his money! So he started on me about that, and of course he had to go running to find some other means of access. (to me, that's just his excuse to leave the house). I was giving Kayley a bath and I figured "maybe he'll stay in tonite" such luck...he ran! Then comes back, but by that time I was so frustrated and upset, I made plans to leave. And I left as soon as I could. When I came back at 1:30am he was gone, when I woke up at 2:30 he was still gone, same at 4:30AM. I called all the numbers on the phone redial asking if he was with anyone. I spoke to the friend that he had claimed to be out with two weeks ago, and who he was suppose to go out with last week. This guy is such a liar, obviously my hubby spoke to him since and asked him to cover for him and then never told him that he admitted to not being with him, because the guy sat there and said, "yeah, I've been out with him", So I asked him again, "so you say you were out with him this past friday? That's funny, he said he was gonna go out with you and you all didn't hook up?" He blew me off and said he could talk to me tomorrow! (Yeah, right, after the two of you get your stories straight) Anyhow, he never walked in the house until 9am Saturday morning, and he has had the audacity to say anything about me staying at my friends house one night when I left him? Just in this past month he has sat there and said "I don't care what you do, as long as you bring your ass home at night", so then he turns and does this??!! He claims he slept in his van outside his friends house; yet when he finally came home at 9am he slept until 430 pm, so if he slept in his van, why on earth would he need to sleep all day! He started his running again as soon as he got up at 430, continued on until 1030pm, when he jumped in the shower, put on clean, clothes, deoderant, and cologne and out the door he went! Of course, his late nite departure was "business", so he claims! So fine,I left, and I won't go home until sometime Sunday, and he won't know where I've been either. No more of this passing up opportunities to do things because I'm in a relationship, no more sitting at home by myself wondering where he is and what he is doing, going to bed alone, waking up alone, spending the day alone...Screw that, I'm retaking my own life which will have absolutely nothing to do with him!


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