Yes, Spring is finally here! Which means 3 seasons of weather better than Winter! Spring, Summer and Fall! I love it and I intend to make the most of it this year and savor every minute of it! Watching the weather forecast this morning, it hit me...every day on the 7 day forecast will be in the 50's...gone are the 30's, 20's and 10's! The overnight temps aren't even really sinking much below 35! YEAH! I'm so excited! Sooooo, I started my morning off with my cup of coffee and I took some pics of the trees out front, the way they look right now! I just know that by next weekend this time, they will have taken on a whole new look! Maybe not a full foiliage, but just the texture and shine of the morning will change and maybe even some tiny buds! I'll keep ya posted!