New Template

I'm back to this template that I originally started out with, I like the option of having the links there on the side, whereas...the other page didn't have that.
I did absolutely NOTHING yesterday, it rained all day, dampening my spirits as well as the earth! I did gorge on Fritos Corn Chips with dip, Pistachios and Pepsi lastnight while watching L&O. Prior to that, I finally watched the Wedding Planner, of course it made me bawl like a baby! Glad it was a happy ending, wishing my life would end up the same! HUH! Fat chance! I can't seem to find any Male Species that has enough of ALL the qualities I'd like...a good job, a decent life, good looking, sexually attractive...either they are good looking and sexually attractive and lack the other two VERY important characteristics or vice versa. Sorry..a good job and a decent life is nice, but it's also important that I don't get grossed out just looking at them! Am I picky? Well, what!
I'm suppose to be hosting a get-together for the Super Bowl here at my house tonite, don't really feel like going all out and doing anything that involves cooking, cleaning and planning, but GF already got a babysitter, that doesn't happen all the time, so we have to take advantage of it when it DOES happen! I don't even have any plans on who is even ATTENDING this get-together! It was only an IDEA that was thrown out there last week, so no one made any concrete plans, except my son and my GF...would hate to let either one of them down! But it's not much of a get-together if everyone else made OTHER plans! I just don't see my home as a get-togethery kind of place! You know what I mean?
Dreams of being in the process of moving once again plagued my morning slumber! I wish it would stop...I guess it's just the remaining feelings of my life being in constant uphevel. My dreams were probably because before going to bed lastnight, I had a phone conversation with GF, she is still at battle with her feelings over BF (who was just incarcerated...GOOD FOR HIM...GOOD RIDDENS, I say), she was telling me her feelings of still in the back of her mind envisioning him coming to her, bowing down and telling her that he finally came to the conclusion that SHE is where he NEEDS to be. I attempted to ease her mind, by letting her know, that I too sometimes think of DH having these same REALIZATIONS, so it's normal for one to sit back and think and wish that things would just change for the good, but with these men...I KNOW it's an impossibility...they just do NOT have it in them to be responsible and put the family first over their "desires for freedom". In my mind, if I was to take my DH back, would be more of a humiliation and an embarrassment, knowing what he had put me through...It would be like the little boy who cried "WOLF", then did not heed the warnings, and then no one would ever take him serious ever again when he was in REAL DANGER! But for my GF, she just doesn't see that what BF has done to her over the years makes her look "stupid for putting up with it" She can't see how much richer her life would BE without him and his stress...I mean, all of our friends NEVER take her serious anymore when she says she's had enuf and has broken up with him, everyone expects her to be right back into it, then she sits back and wonders why no other man wants to approach her...she has an Aura of Untouchability around her. So, anyhow, today's pic is of a calendar that a friend sent to on it to see it larger! And if you can't catch the meaning...check out the chick sitting back reading about dieting, yet she continues to munch on cookies and cake...different results come from different actions! Nothing will change when you keep doing the same thing over and over again, which obviously didn't work each time!
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