Wierd dreams continue
That's all I remember of the dream...just very very wierd, if you ask me! Usually I can tie a dream to some show I watched the evening before, but this one I can't..only thing I can tie to this is reading the school newsletter online lastnight and the Nurse's Section of the newsletter kept jumping out at me, but I didn't read that section, just the title.
Kayley and I made Valentine's for her classmates lastnight, they turned out really nice, and I like that they are homemade, more style than your average store bought things. The one she did for her Best Friend, Mya, is so cute...we found a "My Little Pony" pic in a mag, and then cut out a pink heart, and I found the words "Best Friends" from the mag as well.

I also worked on my own Valentine project as well, so that's done. No painting the last couple days, I may do some of that today. And I really have a couple mail art projects that need done, so I should combine the painting and the one mail art project, kill two birds with one stone, as they say.
My female cat, Two Toe, and I are going to wrestle...she is such a Bitch at times! Gets under your feet, then swats at your legs and screams at you when SHE is the one that won't move, now this morning she wanted to bogart the corner of my desk, laying all up on my mouse pad, so I when I pushed at her, she attacked and bit at my hand! That was it...I put her down on the floor..don't know who she thinks she is! She just has a really bad temperment sometimes, very unlike Sylvester, who will let you do anything to him...Two Toe swats and bites at Kayley as well when she tries to pet her anywhere but on her head, and if Kayley gets to close to her face, she swats with open claws...I don't like that at all! I wonder what it is that makes one cat more skittish than another? We've had Two Toe since she was tiny, and she has ALWAYS been very skittish. I think Two Toe was a runt of the litter, so I'm wondering if maybe she had to do more defensive manuevers to get at her mother's tit with her bros and sisses?
At 10:57 AM,
Wanda said…
Yikes! What a weird dream! I love the valentines y'all made. Very cute! What a fun, creative, mother-daughter activity. :)
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