New Space

I moved things around yesterday, and it feels so much cozier! My desk was WAY in the front room, cut off from everything, and it's always cold in there, with trying to conserve Oil...prices so high as they are! So I moved my desk and other things into the LR (which I haven't been using either), now I have a nice L-shaped workspace which is closely located to the other two rooms that we utilize in this huge house (besides the bedrooms and bathroom). My intent is to have more workspace to spread things out and do some mail art, maybe some painting...whatever! Oh, yeah...and if I can ever get back in line with the bill paying and record keeping, I have lots of room for it now!
Some day with the addition of more furniture, I'd like to use the front room as a game room/sitting/library room...who knows? So many ideas, so little money! But for now, I just closed those big double pocket doors and it can stay that way all winter long, for all I care! When Spring comes, and I can take all this big heavy plastic down off the windows, I'll be able to see out into the side yard, which will be my secret garden...someday!
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