Coughing Fit leads to lots on my mind!

Again, I woke up with a coughing fit...this time around 4am! It was a pretty bad one, making me sit upright, racking my whole body, tears rolling down my face, not being able to take a deep breath just from all the exhaustion of coughing and gagging reflexes! There is no going right back to sleep after an episode like that, feels like you are drownding in thick mucous!
So, being awake this early got my mind to spinning with other thoughts. My baby boy cat, Sylvester, had been missing since dinner time (this is him in the pic)I walked about the house again, and he finally came out of hiding! He's a sound sleeper! Wherever it is he goes (probably in a dresser drawer or maybe a box in the attic)when he pulls these disappearing acts, he sleeps long and hard!
Another thing is that my garbage man was standing in line (or more like, standing on my back porch) this evening wanting to get paid! He is the one that helped me move, then dropped the $300 price tag down on me afterwards. I had expressed to him beforehand, how I was in a real situation, didn't have a lot of funds to work with, no truck available to me, and needed to get moved. After he moved me, he came up with that figure. I have every intention of paying him; however, that's a bit steep with all the other bills piling up too! Not only do I owe him, and I hate that feeling, but he mentioned something about Jake that unnerved me! He made the comment that Jake told him that he gave me $ he said he didn't know to believe Jake or not, because Jake is taking him for a ride on some comp work, but I was just dumbfounded!
When on earth does Jake THINK he gave me $1000? He can't possibly be still thinking he gave me a Thou back in September? When we were looking to move into the house the Greenways had for rent, Jake gave me money in September towards that rent and security deposit, which would have put him at nearly a Thou for that month, but then he took that money right back too when we didn't get the place, and he spent it on computer that brought his figure back down to $660 for the month towards the house! He watched me every single day, adding up the figures he gave me to the itemized list, yet after the month was over he argued to hell and back that my figures was wrong, and I had cheated him! So, now I know he's running around acting like he is the victim of our relationship! If people only knew what a bum and a burden he has been for so long, and how abusive he is! The man really makes me sick, and I pitty any woman that gets involved with him, unless he gets some serious help!
Also, lastnight it dawned on me that I did not notify a lot of places about our address being the Social Security office, therefore Dakota's check is going to the old address and they do NOT forward that, unless I can get ahold of the post office early this morning and see if they can catch the mail carrier and have her hold it at the post office, it will go back and God knows when they will re-issue the thing...this just puts me further behind on needing funds! My own fault though...there are a lot of things that I need to follow up on and still haven't done them!
But I did get the wallies hung in the kitchen and they look so awesome:


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