Thorn GoblinGlitter Blog o' My life

She is a bringer of riches and wealth. She lives in brambles and blackberry bushes. She is only seen in the light of a shooting star. She wears purple and green like berries and leaves. She has gentle green wings like a butterfly.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Haven't been online lately

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This was a very large picture, so I'm hoping that it resizes on the Blog's a great shot of Kevin, Shelly, Richie and I!  Love this pic.  We went running around lastnight, had a real good time, went by Kevin's Mother's house, haven't seen her in quite awhile!  We ran into Keith, who mentioned that he had a run in with my EX Friday night.  Apparently DH was spouting his mouth the week before to some girl, telling her that he doesn't like Keith, because Keith and I were "involved" and I cheated on him with Keith...yeah, like that ever happened.  Anyhow, Keith caught up with the DH and called him on it, DH denied having a problem with Keith, blah blah blah!  But then after Keith left, the girl called Keith back up telling him that DH was again running his mouth after Keith left saying that when "he gets his Income Tax Refund, (DH) is gonna rob his ass", so it looks like he is running his mouth a bit too much, and he may be in for some trouble coming his way.  One major problem is that all this supposedly took place in a bar that DH is not allowed to be in, so that makes me wonder how he got in the door and is he gonna continue to go there, because it's been the one safe place that I can go and not have to worry about him being up in there.  Well, with my running around lastnight...the kids ran my house to death!  Kitchen is a mess, lampshade knocked off the lamp, votive candles on the nephew and his woman passed out on my couch, their outerwear strown all over the floor!  Oh...what a mess!  Guess I won't be doing much relaxing today until this mess is cleaned up!


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