Lots of Things
I've recently made some life altering decisions...I put my name on a list to move into an apartment located in the West End of town. (this is a pic of the apartments). This decision came out of finally realizing defeat (maybe not defeat...just realization of reality and my limits), that I cannot maintain this current home on my own on my income with the high ceilings, drafty shaking windows (regardless of how much plastic I stick up there) and the OIL heat (or lack thereof)...this place is just not conducive to my desire for a happy, stress-free lifestyle. And with age creeping up on me...hey...why not live in an apartment complex where I do not have to shovel heavy snow and climb stairs! I also plan to look into returning to school and getting into Social Services...this may help me with my passion to want to help other battered and low self-esteem women.
I've been struggling a lot with my feelings for my GF...wanting to resist the urge to shake her and make her wake up to the mistreatment she is receiving from her "sick relationship" with BF, but hey...who am I to give advice? One Gabby said lastnight, just to continue working on myself and maybe GF will see the changes in me and that may be strength enuf for GF someday! I'm just a very impatient person. And it's always been difficult to ONLY think of ME!!!! I always think more of others than myself! How sick is that!
Oh...and another Gabby pointed out one of Violette's Blog entries (I was just a tad bit behind on checking up with my fav blogs). Violette married herself on Feb. 3rd!! Kewl! check out her blog to the right here and see all the wedding pics! I just had to comment to her and let her know how inspiring that is to me! I was never able to pack away one of my wedding pics...it's a pic of just me and my two kids! I was going to post that pic on my blog..but, seems that I cannot locate my wedding pics...I thought I had them all saved to disk after my comp crashed, but now I can't find them at all! Scarey! Anyhow, Violette...all inspiring as she is...has inspired me to put my wedding band (that I paid for and chose) back on along with my mother's diamond! Since DH threw his across the street into someone's back yard, it obviously didn't mean much to HIM, but mine meant something to me...it meant being true to him and loving only him...well, since I bought it...I can wear it and be true to myself and love myself!
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