(L to R) Kayley, Mya, Roosevelt, Mya's cousin (forgot his name), Emma (Mya's Sis), Dillon (Mya's other cousin)
Mya's Birthday
Yesterday afternoon was spent at Kayley's Best Friends B-day party. I went over early to help her mother get things ready, but she had all the cleaning done, so there was only the streamers and balloons left to hang up. So, we were VERY early for the party. All the kids had a lot of fun, ate pizza and cake, played Twister. I'm so glad that Kayley's b-day is in May, during warm weather...we always have her party outside!
More of my GF
When we got home, Kevin called..talked to him for a bit about the apartment complex that I signed up for. He lives there, I was asking him which building he lives in because I don't want to be TOO close to him (LOL) He thought I meant so HE can't watch my comings and goings and be all nosey...I meant I didn't want anyone ELSE too far in my business! Then my GF called, and it was all about her "Mama Drama" and how her mother is so far into her business and life that she feels like she's 17 living back home again. As one of the Gabbies put it to me...I just asked her Dr. Phil's line "How's that working for ya?" She didn't get it! This girl isn't all about "change" right now...she's only about venting, doesn't want anyone's advice or opinion, doesn't want to change what isn't working...she just wants to continue on her path and *B* about it everyday of her life. I find it very BORING and it's getting real OLD!
Dream Journal
I was in another phase of my life, back when I was in my younger "Geo Nightclub Days", my circle of friends at the time were all hanging out at one particular bar, we would all come in there to meet up as a group, then usually all go elsewhere. However, Kevin was kind of going his own way, hanging out with another circle that we weren't familiar with. So, I somehow got involved with another guy who also wasn't in my "clique". I felt a feeling of trust about this guy, but kept looking over my shoulder watching Kevin. Then some new girl joined the group, I sat talking to her and getting to know her for a long time. The next night was a big night out for all of us. I was dressed to the max, and went to the usual spot, only to wind up sitting at the bar completely alone, while all of my "friends" were off doing their own things, talking amongst other smaller groups, and I was watching all of them over my shoulder. The new girl had now become the "center of attention".
At 3:46 PM,
Wanda said…
The birthday party sounds so joyful and fun. Just look at those cute little faces!
Your GF - ARGHHH! It is just all but impossible for me to have any sympathy at all for her. All I can think is, "Those poor, poor kids..." It is just appalling.
Now your dream - do you want my take on it? LOL! In a way, right now, you are sort of in that situation of having your old friends back, when you couldn't for so long. Your being "involved with the other guy" is you looking to your future. Keeping "looking over your shoulder at Kevin" is you looking to your past. The known vs. the unknown. Not being sure you want to leave the comfort of the known, for whatever lies ahead. Yet, in your dream,you trust the future at least somewhat and did leave the old behind. I wonder if the new girl doesn't represent you and your new lifestyle. You 'spent time getting to know her'. You were "sitting at the bar alone" because you have left the old way behind. And the group was somewhat split up in your dream as it probably is in real life. Some of them are around, some are not, some have new friends, etc. They are all moving in different circles than they used to. People move on and relationships don't all freeze in time. The "new girl" who has now "become the center of attention" is you also - your new self, breaking free and your new life becoming the center of your focus.
What do you think? Am I all wet? LOL!
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