My Son Approves
Yesterday after taking Kayley off to school, I did a little housework and then a little sketching, just to feel around and see what natural abilities I have. Of course, Kayley saw my sketchbook then and had to have one of her own. She sat on the couch, legs crossed, tapping her pencil on her chin, just looking about wondering what she could start drawing. She decided on her "horse car", the remote control, the cats food bowls, then a portrait of Sylvester! Dakota thought I only had the two "paintings" in my sketch book until I told him there was new stuff added, so he checked that out and said I was real good, and wished he could draw like that. He USE to draw all the time, don't know what happened or why he stopped. He mentioned that his old buddies artwork is now hanging in the halls at the HS, he may have quit because of that, feeling he couldn't draw as well as that friend of his. Just a thought, but they don't get along at all right now!
More Stuff
I did talk to my GF yesterday a little bit, she was telling me all about her BFs court hearings, I just "half-listened" then changed the subject to my No Smoking Clock...she was finally impressed since it had been more than a whole day by then. I also talked to her about these other two girls that she talks to over the phone. These two live in the complex where I plan on moving to. I just wanted to make sure that she is not sitting around talking about my actions to these girls. I know she mentioned one time that she tells this one girl EVERYTHING because she feels that this girl is so far removed from anyone, so she would not go and repeat what she has heard. Which is so untrue, she repeats things to this other girl that lives two doors down and who is now calling my GF on the phone for chit chats. I just wanted to reiterate that she should NOT be telling these two anything about me. You know?... rereading that paragraph...it all sounds very immature and highschool daysish...but you know...that's exactly how it really is! One GF calling the other GF to get info on the BFs
No Smoking Clock....48.5 hours
Dream Journal
Woke from a dream around 3:30 this morning where I had reconciled with DH and we were moving all our things into a 2nd floor apartment that we were going to be sharing with someone else (can't put a face to the roommate). I remember in the dream that while moving our things around, there was a lot of litter and dust being left behind on the floors, as if the furnishings had been sitting there for a long time and never cleaned under. There was some tension between him and I, I didn't trust him to go anywhere, but it turned out he COULD be trusted. As I said I woke up from that dream (in one of my "puddles of sweat"), so after deciding on whether to sit up and write the dream down or try to go back to sleep...I decided to go back to sleep. That dream blended into another where I was now relocated down in VA once again, but I had come back up here for a long weekend. I saw a lot of old friends while I was up here, and first I tried talking DH to move down there with me, he said he would. Then as I ran into more and more "old chums" I didn't so much want DH going back down there with me. One "old chum" imparticular, who I had not seen in quite sometime, I was actually looking more forward to moving with me!
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