Transplanting again!

Okay, so my snitching to the landlord about the neighbors accident with the porch post obviously upset him very much. He came to my door looking for hubby. I told him that he wasn't home right then but should be back soon. He began walking away saying "Yeah okay because I always talk to the man of the house before I go talking to the woman"...well, that just got my goat! I told him to hold up, he doesn't go talking to my dh about anything that has to do with this house, that I pay the rent to the landlord, not my dh, and if he has a problem he needs to come directly to me! So he began telling me how he didn't appreciate me telling the landlord, and I told him I didn't appreciate his wife ramming her car into the porch and exiting the car, leaving it rammed to the porch post as if nothing happened, that if she can't drive then she shouldn't be behind the wheel and especially not parking out in the grass where kids play. Then it all got into how it's his portion of the yard, yahda yahda yahda. Well, great for him, all he is doing by parking in the grass (which is not a driveway) is killing the grass making it look nasty, and I told him he obviously doesn't care how he lives. He kept giving me the sob story of how the front door doesn't open right and his poor wife can't carry the baby all the way around the house! Oh please! Number 1, get on the landlord...that is a code's violation for the front door not to work properly. I asked him what would happen if there was a fire in the kitchen, how would his wife and baby get out of the house? He said she'd take the door of the hinges! Yeah, I see that happening in the panicked moment of a fire! Then he started mouthing off about my personal business between me and dh, obviously someone has told him some personal things; however he did not have his facts straight, and that's about when dh walked on to the scene and took it from there. Neighbor got quiet real quick, dh told him that if anything happens to our daughter or nieces and nephews because of his car parked in the yard, then that would be his ass, point blank. Neighbor ended saying he was moving anyhow, I said Good Riddens!
Well, this confrontation prompted me to uproot and transplant all the plants I had infront of the lattice wall which hides the garbage cans (at the end of neighbors said portion of the yard). I transplanted them in my little section around a chair, it actually makes the wooden chair really stand out. I can see it next year when the black eyed susans, daisies and lillies really grow in (this was their first season, so they are still rather small), the chair will just kind of be tucked into it's own little garden oasis.
This transplanting prompted me to pull up all the shumac weeds that grew like wildfire from all the sudden rain we've had. These weeds were growing all along the side of the building almost entirely covering the little sidewalk, vines growing up into the cable and phone lines attached to the building, growing up into the shingles on the house, all infront of the building, growing out of the lattice panel covering the bottom of the porches. Both neighbors on each end NEVER get out there and take care of their areas, they just let it go until I can't stand to look at it anymore!
Anyhow, must do me good to get riled up, because I just get to working feverishly and get a lot accomplished in a short amount of time! I had dirt from head to toe! I had some plants rooting in water in a window box type planter. The water that was in there was all nasty and dirty so I had to spray it out, there was these little tiny black parasite looking things swimming around in there, don't know what they are but I see them in any still water out back (like Kayley's swimming pool, if I leave the water in it too many days!). YUCK! So after getting filthy and cleaning this planter box out, I sat down to take a load off. I was dripping sweat, I look down to wipe my chest and I saw those black parasites in my BRA of all places! EEEOOOWWWWWWWWWW!!!! How the heck did they get on my chest! Totally gross! So I ran for the shower and still don't feel clean!
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