Well, I had an appt this Thursday morning, lasted til 11:30 (that woman just talked and talked and talked!), then I came home and right away go BLASTED by dh for calling the landlord and "snitching" on the neighbor for ramming her car into the back porch! The neighbor apparently got on dh and accused him of being the snitch! Yeah, ok, since when is dh so concerned about what others think? I told the dh that I didn't give a crap, the woman had an accident with her car smashing the porch column out of whack, that could lead to severe shifting and damage, especially if the landlord doesn't get it fixed and then the snow starts piling up on it, the whole damn roof will come crashing down! Dh then started getting on me, "Oh now you know all about carpentry! Now you are an expert?" I told him that it only takes LOGIC not a bachelors degree to figure out that if one porch post becomes unstable then the whole roof can shift and cave in. I went over to confront the neighbor, they didn't answer, so I left them a note! I don't care! I don't want my child hit the next time she attempts to drive! Well, later dh DID state that the damage COULD get worse if not fixed....DUUUHHHHHH, that's exactly what I said, but NOOOOO he has to argue with me first!
That just made me snap! I cannot stand walking into a house and getting jumped on! Then that all just led from one thing into another! So I cleaned the house furiously, posted "House Rules" to the kitchen cabinet where all could see, telling all that they will now be responsible for their own dishes, laundry, etc and to put all things back where they found them. I refuse to be the only one doing ALL the housework, cleaning up after two slobs! I have enough to do running after Kayley, I should not have to be constantly picking up dishes, dirty clothes, washing all those dishes and clothes! I'm not a slob, why are they? Dh read the house rules and said "Humpf! I can live with that!" But, I've been reminding him all day now about HIS dishes laying in the sink...yet he has one excuse after another! Well, they can just keep piling up, I'm not washing them!
After that, I cooked dinner and took a very long nap!
At 9:44 AM,
Wanda said…
Wow! That really does look dangerous. Has the landlord been over to check it out yet?
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