Cindy Shaheen...You Piss Me Off

Your son joined the military. He knew what the risks were! He could have been right here, stateside, and died in a military exercise!
The military is not a "sit-behind-a-desk-paper-pushing-job"! What did you think? He was just going to join the military and there would be no chance of harm? The military is ran by the Commander-in-Chief and all his Defense Cabinet! If you don't like Bush and his decisions for this country then get your ass to the polls and vote otherwise! However, Bush was inaugurated in Jan 2001, 9/11 happened in Sept 2001, and Bush was re-elected Nov 2004 (MAJORITY voted for him, MAJORITY must think he is doing the right thing!)
Your son was over there to make a change, to start a process of reforming an already War Torn country! A Country that has lived under terrible rule and terrorism, the majority of those citizens over there do NOT want to live that way...they want to live the way, we as AMERICANS have the right to live! Your son was there to protect those citizens that want to make a change against those "Shi'ite rebels" and their "welcoming Wagons"! Your son was there because this all started out with Terrorists coming to our "safe shores" and blowing up two heavily populated buildings, and an attempt on our capital (which another brave hero thwarted!). Your son was there in honor of all the American lives (including loved ones) that were devasted by the loss of life on our "safe shores"! Your son was a HERO! One brave individual that gave himself over to the US Military (the military NEVER promised his safety, did they? No, it was the chance he took upon taking that Oath to follow the Commander in Chief, who MUST follow his Defense Cabinet!).
Your son was one brave individual who's memory will go down in history! One individual that served this country, among thousands and thousands that have served and died to protect our way of life from those who want to harm us and push their terroristic ways on to us! Your son is not the only one who has died! Let his memory live on! You are making his sacrifice out to be as though it was not worth it!
If you believe so highly in Anti-War then go live in Switzerland! The USA is NOT, NEVER HAS BEEN, and NEVER WILL BE a neutral country!
I am proud of your son, and when and if MY son chooses to enlist and join the military, then I will be proud, and I will forever be aware of his chances of risk! Your son took a job with very high risk, he took an Oath to follow his commanders orders, not to question them!
What you may fail to realize is that there are a lot of citizens over there being persectued, killed, and terrorized for their beliefs, their dreams of freedom! What would have happened to this land that we live in if our ancestors had not fought and DIED for our beliefs? If our Allies had not come to our aid? You wouldn't have the right to sit here and bash the man who was elected by the majority of the US, now would you? You would have been killed for your outspoken ways against a KING or QUEEN! The Commander in chief has many many other things to think about besides Cindy Shaheen's feelings! There is ALL of National Security to think of , there is our Allies to think of, there is the threat to the ECONOMY to think of...put all this in the mix and how will the loss of ANY of this affect the US as a WHOLE!
What of all the Americans who fought for the rights of African-Americans to use the same bathrooms, use the same counters, sit in the front of the bus? Was it right for the white men who were killed for sticking up for them? It's a tragedy! But it's what is needed to make change!
Why should those people over there endure the terroristic tortures they go thru? Are you just going to turn your back on them and let them fight the Shi'ite Rebels alone when they don't have the force necessary? Yes, we have a lot of our own terrors right here on our own soil, but other countries are going thru it worse! Open your eyes, see past your own pain! You are not the only one who has lost a child to war! There were over 47 thousand killed in the Vietnam War, over 2300 missing in action, over 304 thousand just wounded in action! GET OVER IT LADY!!!! You already met with the Prez once, too bad you didn't like what he had to say, now you want to camp out until your demands of another conference are met? What are you but another harrassing terrorist threatening individual! Rallying supporters of your belief to camp out infront of the homes of residents down there in TX, causing verbal altercations and anger that could turn to a riotous disaster! I pray there is an end soon, but we ARE in the middle of a war! There WILL be casualties!
The president was elected BY the PEOPLE for the PEOPLE! I am one of those PEOPLE, and there are many more of us (who would definately elect him again, IF he could run again!), or he would not have been elected! I want our troops to go over there and FIGHT for freedom, and stamp out oppression! And I for one am so damn proud of your son for standing up and taking that Oath! If that country can be free than that's one less enemy the US will have! And they are SCREAMING to be free!
Take your energies, turn them from anger over losing your beautiful son, let him rest as a hero (what are you teaching your son's children by calling your son a "sacrifice", instead of teaching those children that he stood up for his country as a "Hero"), not a "sacrifice" and turn your energies into fighting for that countries freedoms to live a way of life that you yourself have been so accustom to and OBVIOUSLY take for granted! Pick up where your son left off, and FIGHT FOR WHAT HE WAS SENT TO FIGHT FOR!! It all comes down to FREEDOM and EQUALITY!
This picture in this Blog is of Larry Mattlage, Resident of Crawford, TX who has obviously been annoyed by your harrassment, why should he suffer from your disorderly conduct? GO HOME TO YOUR FAMILY!
At 1:44 AM,
Wanda said…
I just read your message on my blog. Yes, I agree with you 100%. I have a son in Baghdad and a son-in-law who was in Afghanistan until recently. No one likes war, but we need to remember WHO the 'bad guys' are!
Our anniversary is 8/15/70.
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