
This morning around 5:30 I was twisting and turning with a terrible nightmare! I can't remember all of it now, but Fae were involved! Think it was because of looking at all the Fae villages on my Shabby Chic Group, then when I went into bed I watched Forensic Files and the Dale Hinman Murder Profiler show. On her show, an elderly woman was severly beaten about the face. The son was suspect, but Dale didn't believe he did it and that's when I dozed off. But then Jake had walked into the BR and made me turn the tv off (I always fall asleep with the tv on).
So when I was twisting and turning and fighting to wake from this dream, I was in a bed in a home that had many other beds with other people. I was an adult but acting very childlike. All of us were suppose to be going to bed because there was a big day ahead of us. However, one of our group had been beaten severly by some ghoulish fae type person, so we were all to be in bed where we would be safe. So I'm in this bed, and my arm was hanging over the bed, and that's when I began feeling a presence creeping into the room, a small presence at the door and then around the bed. I began to get real anxious and scared and was crying for this girl about my age, however in the dream she was SUPPOSE to be my mother (REMEMBER, I HAVEN'T HAD A MOTHER SINCE I WAS 5 YRS OLD) So she was holding me and covering me up telling me it was going to be okay. I began to doze, and my arm was touched again and I got anxious again and showed her these wet mouth marks on my arm!
That's when the dream got too scarey and I had to wake myself up out of it! I figured if I woke up, smoked a cig, got a drink then there'd be no way that dream would start over again! Once I woke up, with the dream fresh in my mind, I thought about running down here to type it out in an email to my group!!! Instead I woke Jake up and had him put his arm around me to keep the ghouls away, making sure that the blankets were covering every INCH of me!!
At 5:40 PM,
Wanda said…
Yikes! What a nightmare. But it's kind of funny that it was connected to the Fairy Door contest. I'm sorry that you lost your mother so young.
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