My Teenage "Geek"!

After a terrible rotten episode with my son lastnight (I came home to find him yelling very loudly at his little sister, so when I took matters into my own hands with her, he wanted to "explain" himself; which, with him always means trying to get the last word in), with tempers flaring and me at my wits end (well, I've been THERE before), I called a friend in to talk to him hoping to calm him down a bit. That worked, so today before school I decided to still allow him to sign up for the Washington DC trip with his CASA club, I figured there would never be another chance at this same trip with these same classmates...a once in a lifetime event, so I couldn't take that from him, but he had an eye exam after school so he was not allowed to get contacts, as he wanted, and I picked out cheaper frames that were similar to the higher priced ones he wanted to go with. Of course, I had to listen to his ranting and raving about how "They will all think I'm a geek! This is the last time I'm ever going to be cool, get a good look"! UHHHHH! So irritating to have your offspring say these things over and over in a public place, as if his persistent complaining will make me change my they realize how embarrassing it is when all you want to do is reach out and whack his head but everybody is watching?
Well, after the eye exam, we did have an enjoyable time in Family Dollar shopping! I bought Kayley some waterpaints, paper and glue. Dakota bought items to concoct some type of "experimental project"...I told him he'd have to do it in the backyard just incase it BLOWS UP! And I got some cute little hooded jackets, pants and top...Hey! I'll shop anywhere as long as the clothes are kewl looking and CHEAP (pic above) . I also got myself some glue sticks, then came home and put my "craft kit" together (pics below). We laughed a lot, with Kayley teasing her "Brovie"...ya know, you just can't stay mad at your kids. I told Dakota that as soon as Kayley is out of the house, I'm moving into a Senior's Apartment High Rise that has regulations against overnight guests so that they (the kids) can't come home!

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