My Michelangelo Project

I visited French Toast Girl lastnight and came across her Michelangelo Project, so I decided that was my perfect "excuse" to get busy revamping my kitchen clock...I've had plans for that thing!


Glad I got it done!
On to other news, lookie lookie what I bought for myself today:

I just love Robin Eggs and those Hot Tamales...YUMMM!
Had a few errands to run today and some grocery shopping, made an awesome new dish...maybe not new to others, but it consisted of black eyed peas, split beans, kidney beans, mushrooms, stewed tomatoes, and collard greens with chili powder, pepper and onion powder; It was awesome! I'm calling it "Greens and Beans"! The kids ate it up!
Also, talked to GF, she found out even more 4-1-1 on her BF, yet she's determined to stick it out, and I decided that I am DONE DONE DONE talking to her EVER about BF; it just causes me negative energy...think it's time for me to spread my wings and make some more GFs that are more positive to be around. She's one girl that truly does not want to let go and believes that a miracle from G is going to make him change his ways and be with her and only her far as I'm concerned, every man or woman has skeletons in their closet of some type, and I'm just not worrying myself any longer about her "hurting heart", she's causing her own pain now...way past victim and now the volunteer!
At 11:26 PM,
Wanda said…
The clock is so pretty, Carrie. I love robin's eggs too. YUM!
That recipe sounds really different. I have never heard of it before. It sounds like you have a winner, since even the kids loved it.
I agree with you about your friend. Ugh...That just really can drag you down.
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