Thorn GoblinGlitter Blog o' My life

She is a bringer of riches and wealth. She lives in brambles and blackberry bushes. She is only seen in the light of a shooting star. She wears purple and green like berries and leaves. She has gentle green wings like a butterfly.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Day from H-E- Double Hockey Sticks I'm trying out a new Online Photo Service. I finally got the printer I've been wanting for ages, a HP Printer/Scanner/Copier, now my son no longer has to call me from school and have me email his school reports to his teacher to be printed! But I'll tell you, it was a real chore getting this darn printer. I went first to the bank this morning after being chilled to the bone in this drafty old house, then off to Walmart, picked up the printer and a few other essentials (see photo below of the many splendid pairs of socks that I bought!), got home with all this stuff, went down the street for a bit before picking up Kayley from her bus stop, then my son attempted to hook up this STUPID STUPID STUPID printer, which apparently did not come with the USB cable that it needs to operate. So I called the Electronics Manager at Walmart, Justin, and totally reamed him out for allowing his associates to sell the thing without the proper point being that it's difficult enough for me to get around...let alone an elderly person or a disabled person! I had to go all the way back out to Walmart, which meant taking a bus ride all the way out to the Mall and back around just to then get back home! ARGH! just really Pee'd me Off! I called HP too, didn't get anywhere with that... but I WILL be sending them a nasty gram via email! But Walmart DID give me the cable for free and I was able to grab the paper that I forgot alls well that ends well...and this night is ending too...YEEHAW! The kids are in bed, and I am not even going to look at my atrocious house until will still be there then to clean!


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