These items were purchased yesterday from the local TS. A bunch of frames. I bought them with the intention of taking the canvas from them, whitewashing them and doing my own paintings over them. Plus I plan on embellishing the frames, they are very boring brown wood frames. I'm not partial to brown wooden frames. The one white frame is just fine as is, actually it is very "Shabby Chic", almost looks like an old window frame...so that's why I got that one. I already took the canvas out of the other larger frame there before taking the pic. After I took it out, I think the canvas is too small for the particular painting I have planned. So, it will be back to the TS on Monday to grab up the larger one that I looked at but passed up. The two smaller frames are actually very deep, although you can't tell that from this pic. I picked those two with some "shadow box" ideas going on in my head. Of course, these will all be projects that sit around until some major "inspiration" flashes into my head!
Mardi Gras
Lastnight was the big Mardi Gras celebrations going on in our town! Nothing like New Orleans! It's so cold up here, it's not like partying in the streets, and our town only has one night club worth going to down town anymore. I can't stand going down town and waiting in the lines to get into the clubs downtown, so instead my GF and I planned on going to a local tavern and meeting up there. Much to my surprise, a couple more of my friends were already there. Usually they work second shift on Friday nights, so it was a happy surprise. We ended up staying there a bit, danced a bit, then went to another local club and danced a bit there too, so all in all...it was a good night out!
What's the town coming to?
I was told today that there was another shooting lastnight at one of the bars...it's all very troublesome! I kind of expect shootings in our town anymore...it's nothing like it use to be when I was growing up, back then there was only one or two horrific crimes. Now it's happening more and more often, but I expect this more during the warm weather months with hords of people hanging about...but now it's happening even with the bitter cold! I haven't heard yet who was involved in this shooting, and hoping it's no one that I know! My GF was shocked, because this was at a place that she normally likes to go to, she was glad we did NOT go there! One good piece of news...I saw my daughter's cousin out lastnight...he was shot back in October, just being in the wrong place at the wrong time, but he survived and he's doing just fine and looks just great!
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