Due to stumbling upon an article involving an unfortunate incident with the ex-DH (him and his girlfriend and "their" two sons house burnt up because of "someone" leaving a pan of grease burn unattended...okay...do you hear the sarcasm in this? I'll try to be better)...anyhow due to this unfortunate incident and my first reaction to it...I have come to the conclusion that I really really must work on seeing, hearing and speaking no evil! I really don't know how this is going to work, but I'm really really going to try hard! One Gabby told me that I'm probably feeling jealousy and resentment that DH has "seemingly" went on about his life with happiness, another Gabby told me that I've been betrayed and betrayal comes with a lot of emotions that I must work through, but she pointed out that he is in his own garden and I'm in mine and I need to tend to the hedges dividing the two and grow those hedges tall in order to "block it all out" in a way and just go on with my own garden, many other Gabbies told me that I should not think bad thoughts about him, and they are all right! I sure wouldn't want anyone thinking bad thoughts on me and mine. So from here on out...I'm sorry...and I'll tend to my hedges. I looked real hard yesterday at some areas of my life, and I must admit...I have nothing to *B* about really. I HAVE gone on with my life, and SHOULD allow others to do the same. I found happiness once again back with my "crew", those that have been a part of my life for 13+ years and the Gabbies, which have brought me through major depression. My life is ALMOST back to the way it was before I met DH, and I'll never look on my life again as if it needs to be majorly altered and rearranged...I am ME! I will be happy for what I have, and love every minute of it. My sister, D, showed up at my house yesterday...who I have not seen in many moons, she spent a couple hours here...just showed up at my door, as if a new door was opening. I look at my son, and can see the changes that he has made since him and I have gone down this new road together. I look at my daughter, and only can imagine the roads I will go down with her. And I'm just so happy for my friends, none of them really know how much they mean to me!
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