Dakota's Spiritual Side

I just spent the past three hours talking with dakota, he somehow got on to the topic of his new found "religion" and decided to tell me all about it. And all I'm gonna say is...he THINKS that he has just "formed" this belief in the time of just ONE DAY, but as he sat there describing it to me, I found it very very funny that all it was was my beliefs that I have pounded into his head regarding Evolution and Creation combined with a Racial spin but he has expanded it to a Scientific spin as well...Dakota being the future Chemist and all! He is obviously very hyped about the whole "revelation" and thinks that in 50 years it just may be the "In Religion" and he would be the "founding forger" of it all! hee hee hee...you go dakota! Just had to share that...it was very enlightening to me as a mother to see that he THOUGHT he was ignoring all my teachings all along, but someway, somehow it all sunk in! So it just makes me wonder what other things I have actually taught him along the road which he will come to "expand" on!
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