Thorn GoblinGlitter Blog o' My life

She is a bringer of riches and wealth. She lives in brambles and blackberry bushes. She is only seen in the light of a shooting star. She wears purple and green like berries and leaves. She has gentle green wings like a butterfly.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Missing Days

Wow! Where have I been? I haven't really been busy! The usual grumbling between hubby and I, but I'm trying real hard not to let him get to me. Now that I am not drinking, he can't use that to throw in my face, so instead he has started making comments if I don't go to a meeting. I told him right quick not to even TRY using that one on me, he has no business saying anything as long as I'm not drinking, and I'm not doing it for him anyhow. It will be 14 days on Saturday morning! Yee haw! And my desires are decreasing quite a bit, even in the midst of rage when a desire happens upon me, I have been able to push the feeling aside quite easily. Too much time in now to fall off.

Other than that, Kayley had her school picture day on Wednesday, and it was quite difficult to find any pants that were long enough on her! My goodness how she has grown just since Spring! We just bought her clothes! So I went shopping. Started out real good too, only spending $36 at the TS for about 9 real nice outfits. But then it took a turn for the worse at Walmart when I spent another $87. She is all ready to go now though! Wish I would have had the new clothes for her pics, I got this beautiful three piece sweater dress from the TS for $3, all pretty and pink! Oh well, can only do so much as the budget allows!

After the shopping trip, hubby wanted to "show" me a surveillance camera he wanted to get at Radio Shack! That was a big mistake meeting him there...he didn't just want to "show" me the camera he wanted to "buy" it and wanted my blessings! I could offer no blessings, since he has fines to pay out the ying yang and we barely will have grocery money this next two weeks! I feel bad, cuz I know he wants things (and so do I), but the bills have to come first, and every week it's something new with him, a new chip for his computer, new cellphones, new drives for the comp, now this week the surveillance cam! He got all huffy and took off after accusing me of not paying bills with the money he has given me! Oh please, I was yelling after him and some lady said I was scaring some little kid, Thanks Jake, Thanks a lot! Leave me standing there looking like an idiot after you throw your temper tantrum cuz you didn't get what you wanted at the store. He threw the money on the ground at my feet before taking off. So I took the money and purchased his camera while he was cussing at me via cellphone, customers and staff could hear him! Then he came back, took the camera and returned it to the store and said he was going to deposit the money in my bank account. Okay, he did that, but I had to turn around and send a check out for his fines, which is NOT suppose to be coming out of the HOUSE money at all! I understand he wants things, but he is the one that got these fines, and they need to be paid off or else he's going to wind up in sitting in jail, and if the house bills don't get paid then we all will be sitting on the street, then what good would that surveillance cam do? Atleast he came back to the house in a better mood and didn't say anything more about the incident, instead was thinking of ways to use the video camera for now.

So that was a pretty rotten day, besides shopping for Kayley's clothes. I started out the day with a rotten head cold, which only got worse, and had me resting all day Thursday. I arranged for Dakota to pick Kayley up from the bus stop afterschool, and when it was coming time for her to be picked up, I was getting worried that he did not get the message I left with his school secretary, I got all emotional and began bawling, thinking she was going to be left abandoned at the bus stop! Then the two of them came walking in the door, so I gave her a great big hug and kiss! I still don't feel too good today! Popping Tylenol Sinus like it was going out of style!


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