Labor Day

Our Labor Day wasn't your typical Labor Day celebration! Normally it would be a large cookout, all kinds of foods (prepared by me and only me all day long), people all over the place, beer cans all over the place, massive clean up efforts necessary afterwards (done by me)! Since it was to be Non-Alcholic, no one showed up! Which didn't bother me a bit! I didn't put any planning into it (other than cooking three casseroles), because I didn't invite anyone, knowing that they wouldn't come if there was no drinking. Hubby invited a friend and his wife, who are drinkers. So I'm sure that they had their own drinking party or went elsewhere. And that's just the crowd of people that we are use to. I'm sure that as my sobriety continues, we will make new acquaintences.
I fear "friends" in our life, because in the past it has always turned out to be some major lifestyle change. On a normal daily basis, hubby, kids and I are just here around the house. Hubby works on his comp, I WAS working full time and would come home, do household chores, cook dinner, get the kids settled, go to bed and start all over the next day. Kids are either in their rooms or running about. So bringing a "friend" into it means a "stop sign" in that normal daily routine. Dinner may not get cooked when it normally would, therefore kids aren't settled on time and I'm up later. Hubby even ACTS different with people around; he may go places with them that he would not normally go, get ideas that he would not normally have, talk of things that he would not normally talk about. And that's just too much upheavel in my life to deal with changing on and off like a light switch. Imagine it like the Christmas Season, when family and friends are in town for the week and you are running all around in your finest clothes, putting on your best smiles, visiting them. That's fine because it's just once a year, but "friends" pop up 2-3 times a week all year long! Gets a bit tiring and chaotic!
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