Dakota's First day back to school! Kayley's very first day!

Well, there goes one kid out the door to 11th grade at Williamsport Area Highschool http://wasd.schoolwires.com/williamsportareahs/site/default.asp He left the house wearing shorts, a hawaiin grass skirt, a khaki colored floppy hat and singing "Oh, I wish I were an Oscar Meyer Weiner"! So let's just say he is EXCITED to be going back to school! It did not dawn on me to take a pic of him this morning until he was already rushing out the door! DUH! I was charging the phone cam so that I could take it with me for Kayley's first day! I will have to get a pic of him afterschool (I'll make him put the skirt back on). Now, one more to get up and get her out of here! YEAH!!!!
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