No longer Moving

We are no longer moving right now, our current landlord thwarted our attempts telling the possible landlords that we owe her money and that she had already evicted us prior to us looking at their place. And that we are disruptive as neighbors, that we argue. We DO argue! WITH the neighbors for parking in the yard and parking in the trash can area! So yes, we have been disruptive, that's why we wanted to move, but she hasn't evicted us...BUT she is going to have to now! Because I'm not going anywhere until she takes me to court and actually shows up this time, and I will win! I told the possible landlords that she was mad at us for calling codes. We don't owe her any money that has not already been discussed and paid following a signed agreement by her! So as soon as any judge sees that, she's done! PLUS! I don't have a lease here with any rules and regs that I signed! So she can take that too! I live here and stack up the money until I am forced out!...
I told the Greenways that I have evidence of what Mim (my current landlord) was TRYING to charge me with back in November when she attempted to take me to court but never showed because I told her I had all the receipts and cancelled checks, and that I had a lawyer. I still have all that same paperwork to show the new
landlords and the agreement that Mim signed stating what was REALLY owed to her and how she still owed me for my security deposit and all the repairs I had done. So I will be taking that all into court, and when and if I ever DO receive an eviction notice from her, which I haven't yet, then I can show that she lied on my name
telling them I have already been evicted! Then the new landlords were saying that they checked with our courthouse and my name is attached to a judgement which my ex-husband defaulted on back in 1989 the year Dakota was born, and I have not seen him since dakota was two y/o, he owes me $16,000, we are legally divorced and I am not liable for any of his bills! Then they also said that they discovered that Jake and I are not legally married any longer...I told them "No, we aren't, but I never lied to you! I told you we were married, and we were on April 5th, 2003" What does our marital status have to do with anything anyhow!...
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