Spring 4x4s and Sun Shine

Another beautiful early spring day! It's so nice to see the sun shining early in the morning; alas, the weather is going to change back to 40s and 30s the end of this week! :-(
I finally got my Spring 4x4s (today's pic) done for Violette's Exchange Thanks to Kate, who is hosting this Spring Exchange! I'll get them out in the mail tomorrow morning, I want to embellish them just a little bit too! This was my first project using my WC pencils, then using a slightly damp q-tip to blend the colors, I was real happy with my tulips! (click on the pic to see larger view in more detail)
Yesterday was a nice day, enjoyed a bit of time with DD staying at a friend's house, so Kevin and I ran around a bit, I was pretty crabby though while he was trying his "April fools Jokes" out on me, I was NOT humored at all! You know, you just get into those moods sometimes!
Well, not too much to report, been a quiet weekend so far, no shootings! I'll be spending the day at my bro's house with the kids, and hoping to stop along the road up there to find me some Wild Tiger Lillies that should be sprouting up!
At 3:24 AM,
David Tellez said…
I like your tulip pics! Isnt it great what you can do with water and colored pencils? It's like painting with watercolor paint, but with more control, you know?
At 7:17 AM,
Thorn said…
d.t.- what you said, I was amazed at how easy the pencils were to use, practice and exploration, and you learn all kinds of things!...thorn
At 6:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm writing in regards to your post (Apology for my brief Angry Moment!) It is easy for you to say those things but your a hypocrite I know who your talking about and you threw the first punch and she defended herself as anyone in their right minds would do. You have verbally abuse her several times. All when you were too drunk to care that hers and your children were standing around you when you started swinging at her. You talk about her helping herself well you should take your own advice and go to AA you can not judge other or there will be a finger pointing right back at you. You run your mouth way too much and are always in others business. You were out of place and you did it in her home that is called invasion of privacy so what you got you deserved. Your what 40 years old GROW UP!!!!!!!!!! This from someone that is dating a man that lives with and has kids to someone else come on don't you too want better for you and your children. Oh wait I have an idea why don't you stop just dating anyone and put your energy into your children. You don't need a man in your life until you work on you, only then can you think you have the right to tell people how to live their lives. I've known you since school you have always been in others business and have gotten into fights because of it so GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE!
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