Scrapbooks and Sorrow

Okay, apparently Blogger doesn't want to upload pics tonite! So I'm trying this thru my Photobucket hopefully it will work. I worked on a scrapbook page for my DDs school book. Yeah...I'm not the Scrapbook queen, but this is a very special one, because these are all the "good going" wishes from her Fairy Godmothers! I know she will cherish it, they love her almost as much as I do!
I have so much work to do on her School Scrapbook, I've saved things, just haven't put them in the book...I'm so bad with the second child. With my son, I had everything saved in and filled up two books! Think I can do it with my second and very last? Heck no!
I posted something earlier in my "Group" and one Gabby said that I should put it on my BLOG, it may not be understood by all (as well as the Gabs do) but here goes, just some feelings I had today:
Day of Sorrow Mixed with Joy!
Sorrow: The cats are gone...on their way to a farm...I'll miss them
so much, and it was so hard to say goodbye, and I will never own
another animal again, for fear of loving them so much
Joy: that they went together and will hopefully keep close together
and have each other for comfort
Sorrow: My bro wants to be ** ****** instead
Joy: But he acts no different in person, still the same bro, talking
about the same things that I've always enjoyed about him
Sorrow: Saw the ambulance take the older woman across the street
away a couple weeks ago, people were in and out of her house since,
and I feared the worst
Joy: Saw her home yesterday, leaving the house with the assistance
of her daughter and a walker
Sorrow: That I'm lonely
Joy: That I'm alive
Listening to: Renegade - Styx
At 12:27 AM,
David Tellez said…
Even if you're not a scrapbook queen, it doesnt matter. When a gift like that comes from the heart, it's worth so much!
And I liked how you found joy in your sorrow! Cuz really, isnt that the only way to live, to think positive? Good job!
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