Day of Pictures and Paper!

I'm so completely tired, but I just had to get on here and show what I've gotten myself into today! Oh good lord, a new project.... Iris Folding! I was just minding my own business, reading the posts in my Gabby Group and BRENDA just had to throw out a link to this, so OF COURSE...I just had to look, then I HAD to try it! This heart, two ducks and two bunnies later...I'm exhausted! Anybody know of any glues that don't make paper and cardstock all "humpy"? I'm having problems!

I'm just filled with pictures was a real picture taking day! L to R Dakota, Kyle's GF??? (she says they are NOT going out), Kayley (the small one), and Kyle.
Well, here's another pic...

And I finally got up the nerve to walk into someone's yard and take a lovely Spring picture (Okay...I didn't walk in their yard, I used the zoom from the sidewalk!)

And why does my son, Dakota, insist on using my new cam to take these terrible pics of himself?

Well, if he insists, then I will just have to post them for the entire Cyber World to see! sure to click on the pics to open them up and see full view!
Question: Where is the strangest place you ever fell asleep?
Listening to: Gold Digger - Kanye West
At 11:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hmmm...can't think of any because I can't sleep unless I'm in my nice big warm waterbed. No, really. But my son once fell asleep with his feet on the couch, his chest on the coffee table, and his round little tummy hanging in between. It was so cute.
At 11:43 PM,
Thorn said…
I just can't picture that! How could anyone fall asleep in that postion?...carrie
At 9:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
wow carrie,you live in such a beauitful city.i love the old house and at least dakota will take a youngest son dont want you near him with a camera.great pics.
At 9:38 AM,
Thorn said…
Yep, Sue, I'm real happy with the Kodak Easy Share!...carrie
At 11:11 AM,
Wanda said…
Great photos, Carrie! I love the folded paper heart. About glues - try 'tacky glue'. One brand is Aleene's. It's thicker, so there is less moisture to rumple the paper. It's really good glue.
The photo of the kids is really nice - a good looking bunch.
I love old houses too.
At 11:36 PM,
Thorn said…
From Renie, who is having "Server" issues when attempting to post comments:
Our son Zach can fall asleep absolutely anywhere, as a child he was like that, and he is like that as an adult, put him in any moving vehicle and he'll fall asleep if he's not driving. As a baby, he would fall asleep wherever he was when he was tired, in the high chair, on the floor in the midst of his food, I'll have to ask Rich, he can probably think of the most unusal place. And Xavier is just like Uncle Zach, you saw the pic of him where he fell asleep leaning agains the foot of his bed watching tv....the most unusual place I've fell asleep in that I can think of, would be while fishing with my dh, in the rain....sitting in the lawn chair at Holmes lake(ROFL).
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