Thorn GoblinGlitter Blog o' My life

She is a bringer of riches and wealth. She lives in brambles and blackberry bushes. She is only seen in the light of a shooting star. She wears purple and green like berries and leaves. She has gentle green wings like a butterfly.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Mission Accomplished!

(Pic Uploading isn't working today! So just click on the highlighted words, it will take you to the pics) I tackled the back flowerbed! YEEHAW!! Feels so good to accomplish something that’s been on your mind too long! I was waiting for the very next nice day to get out there. That would have been yesterday, but after my “night out” Saturday (oh..details on that to follow) I really didn’t have much get up and go Sunday! Poopie wanted to get out there and ride that bike…I allowed her to ride it up and down the sidewalk along the side of the house, because I could see her from the window; however I could also see this strange man slowly walking up and down the sidewalk…very strange looking. Not strange LOOKING, but out-of-the-neighborhood-strange-LOOKING, like “stranger danger” feelings were setting in. He walked slowly to the corner, looking about…crossed the street, came back, walking slowly…then went and sat in his car, which was parked right along the side of my house, near the gate! Okay…that was enuf to flip me out…Poopie came into the yard, I closed the gate and stood on the porch watching him sit in his car. The sun was warm (on my jammies which consist of sweat pants and t-shirt, magenta colored furry slippers, and leopard print fleece robe), “a cuppa would be nice sitting out here on the porch”, I thought. Then as I sat there, the warm weather feelings started creeping in…those feelings that you get when you are minding your own biz, just trying to sit there and enjoy a warm day…the weeds and all the yard work speaking to you “Pull me…get your hands dirty! You know you want to transplant me over there in that spot…Come on..get up and DO something!” Okay…the voices just would NOT stop! Poopie had to come INSIDE the house while I changed into jeans and sweatshirt and mud shoes (since “Stranger Danger” was still sitting in his car).

So out I go, gathering the necessary tools…rake, shovel, hoe, and hand shovel. Deejer decided to take Poopie on a real long bike ride to the grocery, which gave me plenty of time to start ripping and digging! Taking little breaks here and there, I realized that “Stranger Danger” had only been waiting on someone to arrive at the house on the alley…he and others were carrying boxes and furniture out of the house the rest of the afternoon…has me wondering if someone has passed away that lived there, maybe the family is now clearing it out and selling? That’s got to be a terrible job!

The results of my toil and sweat is a nice clean flower bedFLOWER BED in which there will grow English Wallflowers, Zinnia, Marigolds, Forget Me Nots, and a mix of Wildflowers…HOPEFULLY! Let’s keep our fingers crossed, I’ve never grown anything from seed before! I also transplanted some stray TIGER LILLIES?? Maybe? Not sure what it is yet, but two bunches were sprouting up in an awkward spot, so we just had to move them. Also, I stumbled upon a stray DAFFODIL that grew behind my garbage can? How weird, it’s a wonder the poor thing didn’t get smushed…well, he’s happy now in the flowerbed! My rose bushROSE BUSH got a heavy dose of pruning…she looks rather bald now…I will be sure to prune her back in the fall THIS year, she was nothing but dead wood! She will be okay, I give her lots of TLC!

Okay, my Saturday night…Mr. K called after work, as he always does…just can’t wait to see my bright and cheerful face I guess…oh yeah..who couldn’t resist?…ha ha, joke was on him, I already had all my housework done, got my bath and was fully dressed and ready to go by the time he got here! After he caught up on all the basketball stats and such (BORING!) he had to go shopping for his Moms, so I took Poopie to his Mom’s house, she picked little flowers along the way to give to Mrs. C and Darryl (Mr. K’s Mom and brother, Poopie just adores Darryl, he‘s like this huge teddy bear for little children to play with and he TALKS too!). Yes, the flowers were a bit wilted, the type that go back to sleep after their morning majesty! Mr. K felt she could have found some better, I let him in on a little secret…told him he will need to have several very small vases for all the little posie/weeds that his babies will be bringing in to him soon enuf!

The visit with Mr. K’s mom went as usual…she gets so frustrated with me sometimes…they are older and always feel they need to “tell me how life really works”, I don’t always believe the way she believes. Being from a whole other generation, sometimes things just aren’t the same. However, we did touch on a subject that we could agree upon before Mr. K and I left out, so there was hugs and kisses in the end, despite Mr. K almost having a heart attack thinking his mother and I were going to do battle on the living room carpet! Ya know, some men just do not see the difference between a cat fight and just a woman’s excited higher-than-normal-pitched debating practices! Calm down! We are just having a conversation!

After that “nice” visit, we were off for a ride in the boonies to find a house of a friend who was hosting a “Fight Party”…don’t ask me who was fighting Saturday night…I wasn’t paying any attention to the tv..the tv room was a “den of men” covering every inch of the furniture, and Mr. K kept bellowing at me every time I‘d go near the room! Instead I was too busy looking thru the Host’s wedding album, the pics were just beautiful! There was only one other girl at this “party”, and it was a girl that I have been around several times throughout the past, but her and I just never clicked! We clicked at the party…funny how you can see someone pretty much all your life, and just never really connect, until ONE DAY (or one party). She was quite enjoyable…I look forward to seeing her again!

With that, our evening ended and I was too happy to leave the boonies and see my bed!

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