
I'm always having problems with my cellphone camera, the comp seems to not want to communicate with the USB port sometimes, HOWEVER I was finally able to get it working and get some pics that I took the other day off of the phone of Kayley riding a "BIG" bike! Another milestone! She can ride the bigger bike very well, but still has some problems getting on and off of it, so I think an "in-between" size bike is what she's ready for! It was funny to watch her ride her small bike over to the store lastnight, it was like watching an adult ride one of those tiny miniature motorcycles! She's so proud of herself and wants to ride her bike everywhere now!
I spoke with a true friend lastnight at length about a lot of things that have been going on lately, we discussed anger and how devastating it can be. She gave me a for instance, telling me about an episode of Star Trek that has stuck with her through all these years, and here is how she explained it (pretty much, I may have missed a small part, but you'll get the jist)
The Klingons (spell?) were invading a planet of very relaxed calm people, and Captain Kirk and the Federation were bound and determined to wage war against the Klingons for this invasion, this battle to protect and invade went on between the two unrelated groups for quite sometime until the calm people of this planet said "Enuf is Enuf" and they handled it with all the weapons of destruction turning too hot to the touch...These calm relaxed people, as it turned out, were not real people but "ENERGY" only taking human form in order to be seen by the Klingons and the Federation. This "Energy" had it all under control the entire time and had lived peacefully for thousands of years, unscathed, never dying because they already had all the POWER that they needed to fight off any attack and they lived peacefully. Captain Kirk was mad that the "Energy" didn't need his help and he couldn't fight the "good fight".
So the moral of the story that I took from my friend, was that there is other ways to use your energy rather than to fight a "battle" that can't be won with an unrelated force. She also reminded me about an article she read that talks about how ANGER has become one of the deadliest of emotions, where people are killing people over road rage, sports rage, new shoes, etc...none if this is worth my happiness to me! I'm glad that I have two beautiful children that love me and stand behind me no matter what, and are both healthy and strong. I'm glad that I've gone through the trials that I have gone through in life, which have made me a better and stronger person, that I can learn from unpleasant experiences and that I know how to CHANGE undesirable experiences in my life. I thank the lord above everyday for the friends that have stood beside me for over 13 years throughout all the life experiences and the new friends I made last year that held my hand through a really tough experience and have stood behind me and continued to teach me about all the joys that life has to offer, so I'm back to my painting and writing (no matter how much I still need to learn) and allowing creativity to be my release...there is nothing and no one person worth my happiness!
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Anonymous Comment": Why dont you all just mind your own business, appreciate who you are, your health, and just try and be happy. There is so much anger and it is disturbing for me to read any more.It is all negative. Both of you.goodnight.
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At 8:46 AM,
kenju said…
Thorn, thanks for the visit (via Michele) and I do hope you will come back.
You are right about fighting battles!
At 10:36 AM,
Erin said…
Hello from Michele's! I agree with Kenju, you are absolutely right about fighting battles.
At 9:49 PM,
atpanda said…
I love that you got that from a Star Trek episode. :-) It really is a great lesson. I find myself getting so angry sometimes over things that SHOULDN'T matter that much.
Thank you so much for visiting my site!
At 10:43 PM,
Thorn said…
well, ya know...not that it's an excuse, but women have to deal with a lot of natural chemical influences (PMS), it's real hard sometimes to keep everything in check, wouldn't it be great if we could follow the little book "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff" like a Holy Bible or something! I need to have pages of it taped all over my house!...thorn
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