Apology for my brief Angry Moment!

I lowered myself and posted something that was very childish, and this is not the forum for that. Although a blog is a place to write about your feelings regarding certain issues, so what I WILL say is that I do not agree with abuse from a man or a WOMAN! Women are more likely to go public with their abuse and their abusers, where a man may not want to admit that it's actually happening! Let me just say...it is no more OKAY for a woman to spit, slap, shove, push, harass, scream or throw things at a man than it is for a man to do these things to a woman! You women out there that are not getting what you want out of life, if you feel you are "OWED" more...you are WRONG! No one OWES you anything in this life, if you want something...you need to get up and go after it yourself...don't take your anger and frustration out on the one that you SAY you love, just because you didn't get your own way!...Not to mention, your CHILDREN are standing there watching your actions and how you treat others! If you are going to throw a hissy fit and start pushing and shoving and throwing things at people because you didn't get your own way...well, then...how do you think your own kids are going to act when you tell them "NO"? Makes a whole lot of sense, now, doesn't it? Not to mention, it's ILLEGAL! Stop blaming others and the world for your problems...if you have enuf energy and stamina to slap, push, shove, scream and curse then you obviously have enuf stamina to go out and get a job and get the things you want in life for yourself! If you chose to be in a relationship that you are not "getting enough out of", then maybe you need to sit back and take a look at how you could make things better for yourself and your children!
I spent a whole precious day of mine, sitting and brooding over my anger because of the actions of another and how that person ruined what could have been a perfect day because of her selfishness, and that was MY downfall...allowing another's actions to affect me, when I KNOW that they cannot change because I want them to, they will only change for themselves or they will go to their graves in their own perpetual HELL...I cannot allow people like this to continue to affect my life! I have allowed this person to hurt me and verbally assault me way too many times...I've watched her verbal and physical abuse against others way too many times, she'll never have that power over me again!
At 11:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm very proud of you Carrie.
At 11:24 AM,
Thorn said…
thank you, Renie...I'm trying!...thorn
At 3:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm proud of you too....for seeing whats wrong and tryingto change it...Brenda
At 9:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Love this entry Carrie :) You're getting smarter and braver every day!
As Dr. Phil always says...."How's it working for you?" If it's not working for us, then only we can change it :))
At 10:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Great insight Carrie. You certainly have the ability to see the truth. Life is choices and you are making good ones. I have sent your blog to my dd. She needs to heed what you say. Judie :)
At 12:17 AM,
David Tellez said…
Amen sistah!
It's rare for a man to speak about abuse, because, I think, it looks un-masculine to say that a woman hit you. You know?
But unfortunately, it's a part of life that's real and scary. And I'm glad you're putting a face to the problem.
Good for you!
At 9:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
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