Happy Saturday
And with that, I think it’s time to open up this big ol’ house a bit more…I have the LR and DR closed off from each other to keep the heat in each room…I think it’s time to open it all up! Get the breezes moving from room to room…oh and while I’m at it, why not wash all the bedding, mop the floors, vacuum the rugs, scrub the bathroom, wash more laundry…the list just goes on and on and on! Housework is never done!

Deejer spent the night at his friends house last night, their idea is to hang the banner that he painted (which asks a certain “heart throb” to go to the prom with him) and present this “girl of his dreams” with a bunch of care bears, in hopes that she will say “yes” (to the prom)…well, I just hope after all his hard work that he put into it, that she doesn’t break his heart! :-(

Lastnight was the night for Poopie’s hair to get washed, meaning two hours this morning was spent on re-braiding it all! It’s getting so long, always makes me wonder how old she will be when she will decide to cut it all off? If I had my way, I’d make her grow it long FOREVER and have dreads put in it!
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At 6:48 PM,
David Tellez said…
Awwww...I hope Deejer doesnt get shot down. I doubt he will cuz an action that big is grounds for some serious limo liasions! LOL...and lil' Poopie looks so cute with her lil' braids!
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