Landlord/Tenant Saga Continued I

The court hearing was at 9:30, she was actually there for a change. Nothing got settled. The judge listened to both our arguments, he is going to send us his decision within two days. However, I know he will rule to evict, because she has that right for any reason. But I did bring up that SHE was in breach of the rental contract for not repairing the sink and such. That I have kept my agreement with her other than missing August rent, and that she has done nothing about the neighbors. Now we just have to wait and see, then we will appeal any decision regarding the money due her. So I will keep it going as long as possible to give us time to find another place and come up with the rent, security deposit and moving costs. This time I am looking for "THE perfect place" that has all the amenities we need...three full bedrooms, large kitchen, living room, front room, basement with w/d hookup, attic, large bathroom, insulated walls and windows (no drafts), flat floors and nice size private yard centrally located in town. I'm not rushing into anything that isn't going to work out in the long run, I do not want to have to move for a long time!
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